Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Week 2 Retrospect

What went well:
Better planning in terms of food
Muscles are getting stronger
Joints are aching less
Staying on top of blisters (using Leukotape asap)
Did more reading at night and in the morning
Reached a new state
Got trail names
Hit the 100 mile mark

What could have went better:
Took less photos (and there were plenty of things to take photos of)
Should have individually wrapped my peanut butter and jelly tortillas
Still didn't wake up any earlier (I'm no longer worried about this as our daily mileage is still fairly small and the temperature of the night usually is dictating when we get up, i.e. If it's cold, we get less sleep, so we tend to sleep in the warmer morning to make up for the loss)

What to work on for the next week:
Take more photos!

A very important photo I took this last week

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