Wednesday, April 6, 2016

New state, new name

As of Sunday evening, we are in North Carolina now! One state down, 13 to go. We also have new names now. From now on, Louisa shall be referred to as "Leap" and I shall be referred to as "Frog". There have been several days where we kept passing and being passed by the same hiker, so he dubbed us "Leap frog". 

We are close to Franklin, NC, where we might take a couple of days off. The weather has turned cold and snow is possible. We are doing well, physically and mentally. I caught a blister forming in my left foot yesterday, but put some Leukotape on it just in time. 

We had a tough time getting the sign and both of us in frame. 

As our legs are getting stronger, we plan to start putting more miles on in the coming weeks. We are hoping to hit 15 miles a day as the terrain / weather allows.