Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Week 1 Retrospect

I'd like to do a weekly retrospect where I go over what I think worked and what I think we can improve on. We'll see if I stick to this format as it may become not as useful the longer we hike.

What went well:
Packed enough food
Prepared well enough to survive a week in the woods
Started with low mileage to ease us into long distance hiking
Took breaks to enjoy good views and rest

What didn't go so well:
I lost my knife and water filter and almost lost my jacket (remembered where it was and avoided a major loss)
Woke up late almost every day and didn't start hiking usually until after 10 AM
Didn't do as much reading as I would have liked

One thing to work on the next week:
Louisa and I decided to work on getting up earlier. This should help us hike during cooler parts of the day so we won't be as likely to get sunburned. Plus, as we add on more miles to our days, it will be necessary to start earlier or we will end up setting up camp in the dark. 

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