Friday, February 26, 2016

Gear Overview

I decided to put our gear together in a single list since some of the items are shared between Louisa and I and we haven't decided who will carry what yet. I also haven't included food yet since the amount of food we will carry at a time will depend entirely on how many days we plan to hike between towns. Worst case scenario will be the 100 mile wilderness in Maine, which will take about 5-8 days to complete.

There are some optimizations we can make to our gear and I'm sure it will evolve as we figure out what works and what doesn't. Our packs will be inevitably lighter during the summer months since we will be able to send some of the cold weather gear home (I'm looking at you, sleeping bag liners).

Also, I'm slightly concerned about the weight of our fuel canister. It's a 30 oz canister and after running the stove, I'm realizing that amount of fuel will probably last for months (not ideal). I'd rather have to resupply fuel once a week and save myself from carrying a non-trivial amount of weight.